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10 Easiest dish made from only 2 different Ingredients

 Friday Favorites   "A recipe is a story that ends, with a good meal." 1. Apple pie Ingredients:- Flaky cinnamon rolls 1 1/3 cups apple pie Directions:- 1. Take the pillsbury flaky cinnamon rolls with butter cream icing. 2. filled it with apple pie. 3. Heat the oven and bake it 14-18 minutes. 4. Top with cinnamon roll icing warmed. 5. served it. 2. Malai Kulfi Ingredients:- milk sugar Directions:- 1. Take 1 and 1/2 liters of full fat milk. bring it to a boil. cook until milk reduces to half. 2. Now, add 3 tablespoon of sugar. stir it well. stir constantly until it reduced to 1/3 part. 3. Let it cool completely. take the kulfi moulds. fill the moulds, cover with aluminium foil. insert an ice cream stick. 4. Freeze them for over night. after 8 hours gently twist it and remove aluminium foil. 5. Now, it's ready for serve. 3. Pancake Ingredients:- 2 banana 1 large egg Directions:- 1. Bland banana in a bowl, add egg and mix it well. 2. Take the pan and heat oil pour the mixtur...


Hey, cookies!

A cookie is a baked or cooked food that is typically small, flat and sweet. It usually contains flour, sugar and some type of oil or fat. It may include other ingredients such as raisins, oats, chocolate chips, nuts, etc. cookies are highly variable in size and shape, and are a 'dessert'. cookies are delicious, but there are lots of types of cookies.

The name cookie is derived from the Dutch word Koekje, meaning "small or little cake." Biscuits comes from the Latin word bis coctum, which means, "twice backed ." According to culinary historians, the first historic record of cookies was their use as test cakes.

Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano took charge of the baking experiment in December. He reported that the first cookie stayed in the oven for 25 minutes at 149 degrees Celsius. when it came out of the oven, it was seriously under-baked.

The first cookie was found in the jeans pocket of Neanderthal Erectus. It was a fossilized cookie Erectus made of a crude version of puff pastry & Viagra. The Viagra put the rise in the pastry before yeast was found.

Some people think that cookies and biscuits are similar but very difference between cookies and biscuits. cookies is a term used for sweet, flat, backed goods. Biscuits is a term used for a variety of backed, mainly flour- based food products. 

The term cookie is mostly used in American English. In British English, the term biscuits refers to a small, backed, unleavened cake, which is typically crisp, flat and sweet. The United kingdom(UK) has the highest per capita consumption volume of biscuits at 13.6 kilograms per person per year, followed by Italy at 10.5 kilograms.

They date back as early as 7th century A.D. Persia which is now Iran. they were one of the first countries to grow and harvest sugar cane. with war and exploration eventually sugar was introduced to the Mediterranean area and European countries and so were cookies.

According to a Nestle Toll house poll in 2017, chocolate chip cookies are the most popular cookie in 18 states, followed by peanut butter chocolate chip. The best type of cookie has to be the jam bar cookie. while there are others such as peanut butter cookies and chocolate oatmeal cookies, jam bar cookies are unlike any other out there. it's the combination of the cookie and the apricot jam that makes it extremely special and flavorful. The different types of cookies are: drop, bar, rolled, refrigerator, pressed and molded.   


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